Jess Evans
Jess is a single mom of two, certified divorce and co-parenting coach at Moms Moving On. She has worked alongside Michelle Dempsey-Multack and takes a child centered approach to co-parenting. Jess was a SAHM while going through her divorce in 2018 and the thought of spending time away from her kids broke her heart. She quickly learned that it isn’t always about the quantity of time spent with her kids, rather the quality. She and her children live in Wisconsin and love everything the Midwest has to offer. As a child of divorce who has no relationship with her father, Jess wanted to ensure her children grew up having a strong relationship with both of their parents. Jess is passionate about empowering her clients and helping them move on emotionally after the divorce is final. She works with her clients to help them find new ways to fill their cup as they enter the world of co-parenting and create a child-centered parenting plan that is fine tuned to avoid any grey area.