
Jocelyn Diles

Jocelyn Diles has lived a creative life, she believes as a coping mechanism for being a depressed, confused child. Jocelyn was a happy kid until she hit puberty, which is pretty common in a world where we don't properly educate our girls on their bodies and how to connect to their menstrual cycles. In search of finding meaning to a life she did not want, Jocelyn explored yoga, buddhism, psychology, thepary, and other modalities to heal herself from self hate. Through her twenties she abused alcohol and drugs until she hit rock bottom, when she left her home of Seattle and to live in a zen monastery for a month and then hike the entire Appalachian Trail. After she finished, Jocelyn moved to Boulder, Colorado to become a massage therapist. This is when her healing journey truly began. Jocelyn learned about the power of the mind-body connection. For over a decade she has been entrenched in this work, helping other woman to find the healing that she was able to find within myself.


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